I’m sorry, I’m somewhat in a hurry, don’t have much time to talk to you today… I must watch out ‘cause… Well. Alright, listen. I’ll tell you. But come in. And close the door, will you.
Did anybody follow you on the way over here? You sure? Come in, come in…
Alright. So I got this mail today. From a friend. He sent me this mail, see. Yeah. I know… nothing special. But… Wait. Did you hear that? Sssst….
Nah… probably nothing. OK. So where was I?
‘Right. Mail. From a friend. He sent me these illustrations, see? They are cereal boxes. Fake cereal boxes. With spooky cartoon characters on them. What? Yeahyeahyeah, they’re nice. I agree. Very nice. I love them. Funny and all. But that’s not the point, see… I wanted to know a little more about them, so I googled the thing, you know. Found a blog with more of the stuff. Some guy named Von Kreep. Seriously… I don’t know. Who makes this stuff up, uh?
Now the last blog entry on that thing was dated march 17…2008! Yeah, two years ago. I know, it’s old
But see, there is no book! I mean, I can’t find anything saying: “buy this book now!” or something… No. Nothing! Nada! Zilch! There are all these great illustrations, and some of these guys, they are real…I mean, these are not just some jojos making some stupid pictures. No, look… there is Nate Wragg and Jay Stephens. And here, this Johnny Yanok, I don’t know him, but he does some nice stuff, no?
So, I ask you: where is the book? There has got to be some…what? I don’t know… Man, I think this is some weird sh… Yeah.
There has got the be some book, no? There’s just gotta be. I mean, what happened with the… And then, I think, well… These illustrations are…
Hey! You Hungry?
Want to see more? Here is the Cereal Killer blog and here you can find some more of these illustrations. You can go an explore some of the links on the blog to. They lead to some pretty fine illustrators. Apparently, the people behind this are now trying to make some cartoon short called Monstroville…, I don’t know… you figure it out. It’s all very confusing to me. Here is one more. They have something to do with this too, I guess. Hey, I just liked the cereal boxes my friend sent me… (Thanks M. !)
If you know what happened to the book, share it with the rest of us, will you?