Friday, April 30, 2010

The blogs of Basil Sedbuk

mono s 2010 01 Mattotti Télérama HS Chopin p76 2009 09 Etoiles N8 E Kerner a Les enfants 1996 Chateau Gloria Etiquette

Researching the previous post I came across a blog dedicated to Avril, made by a certain Basil Sedbuk. As it turns out, that one is not the only illustration blog he does. He has no less than 6 different blogs, five of which are dedicated to an individual artist (François Avril of course, but also Serge Clerc, Dominique Corbasson, Floc’h and Ted Benoit) and a sixed called “La belle illustration” where he tends to put all other illustrators he likes but who somehow didn’t get their own blog (yet?). Here we find the work of people like Lorenzo Mattotti, Robert Crumb, Loustal, Götting, and many, many others. Yes, They are all written in  French, but the pictures are not. So, go explore !

François Avril (once more)


Serge Clerc

Bandeau_Final_3 I



Dominique Corbasson

Looking for DC Bandeau

Ted Benoit


La belle illustration

La belle illustration bandeau 5


Carte de visite atelier d a


François Avril (Paris 1961) is an illustrator who’s work balances between the representational and the abstract. His pictures, often urban landscapes, defy the laws of perspective and focus instead on visual rhythm and composition.

His early work, however, looks quite different. It is more akin to the "ligne claire" a style very popular in European comics (Hergé and Chaland are two prime examples). Avril was working for advertising, magazines and book publishing in those days and even did some comic albums. Nowadays, comics are few and far between, and since the 1980’s there have been no more albums, only collaborations and short stories which appeared in magazines or group albums.

Avril did continue to work for advertising and magazines and began showing his work in galleries, which often led to the publication of lovely little books with his drawings.  I’ve never been that much of a fan of the real ligne claire, so if you want to see more of the early work by Avril, check out the links below.


2010 Carte Cabinet Prunier a

2009 07-08 Jazzman No 159 Reve americain b

1994 08 30 Fourmi Academy in Okapi 546

1994 05 Ensemble Manpower N51 p19 2009 05 28 Challenges Cooltech

2008 Jazzman No 147 Juin b

2008 Jazzman No 147 Juin a 2008 11 Jazzman No 151 Novembre a

2008 11 Jazzman No 151 Novembre b

2009 01 Jazzman No 153 Janvier b


1996 07 JAZZMAN No 16 1999 10 JAZZMAN No51

1994_09_28_Figaroscope_Plis_d'excellence-b 2000 12 Lire N291

1994 05 Ensemble Manpower N51 p16-17

1996 Vélo 2 1996 Vélo 5

avril2 2010 03 CDC caisse-des-depots



2009 05 Jazzman No 157 Monk 1 publié 2009 03 Jazzman No 155 balle-perdue1

2009 02 Jazzman No154 hip-hop (2)

1997 Sans Titre avril1

1997 Sans Titre avril2

1997 Sans Titre avril3

1998 11 Fête du livre à Saint-Germain des Prés invitation proclamation palmarès

1996 Flore 1 1996 Flore 5

Sérigraphie le-pigalle-cor

1994 04 Plakativ Exposition a

2009 les films du crayon Mu Avril original Art Paris 2009 BD

avril 1



2003 CD Picnic All day music (2) livret s2394_002

s electrophone


If you want to see more of Avril go to the official Avril site or check out this awesome blog by Basil Sedbuk, totally dedicated to his work:

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