Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Dumpster Project


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Mr. Mac Premo does collage and assemblage and has amassed a huge collection of, well, stuff… Now he  has to move to another, smaller studio. In stead of throwing all the… stuff… away, he decided to make art out of it. What a good idea!

He’ll tell you all about it in the video below…


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Magical Snap - 2011.07.23 19.27 - 106

Magical Snap - 2011.07.23 19.20 - 101

Magical Snap - 2011.07.23 19.25 - 104

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Magical Snap - 2011.07.23 19.20 - 103


Oh, and before I forget… He’s not only going to make art out of his stuff. He’s also painstakingly documenting all the stuff on a blog. You can check it out here… If you want.


The Dumpster Project from mac premo on Vimeo.


(Found via Notpaper)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tattoo Age: Grime


Magical Snap - 2011.08.22 18.32 - 004


My friend P., who’s an aspiring tattoo-artist send me another suggestion for a post on tattoos (See his previous one here). He added:



The tattoo-series of VBS “Tattoo Age” is looking real promising… These are the films on “Grime”, one of the best West Coast tattoo-artists. The guy is very modest, but has lots of skills.

The film also gives a pretty good impression of the dynamics at a tattoo-shop…



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Magical Snap - 2011.08.22 18.33 - 005

Magical Snap - 2011.08.22 18.35 - 006


The film is in two parts. It’s one of those docu’s which manage to make you see a subject with different eyes. At least, it did for me.

Check it out…



If you want to see more, you can find some other tattoo-related videos on Or you can take a look at our own small but growing collection of tattoo video’s here.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ashley Wood Special (4)




WARNING: If you take offense in pictures containing nudity and strong language, which could be considered in bad taste, I suggest you just skip this post.

Ashley Wood’s painting style could be seen as a direct descendant from painters like the impressionist and expressionist movement. A touch of Monet and Toulouse-Lautrec, a good dollop of Schiele, you get the idea… No surprise then, that he has a more than fleeting interest in the female form…




Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shea Hembrey: 100 artists


A wonderful TED-talk by Shea Hembrey. It’s more fun if I just don’t say too much about it and let you go and watch it for yourselves…

It’s about art.



As often, there is a very lively discussion going on in the comments beneath the video on the TED site. Check it out if you’re interested.

Find more info on Shea Hembrey at

Monday, August 15, 2011

Paper View (7): Bryce Wymer


Great little time-lapse registrations of Mr. Wymer (a NewYork artist and creative director) doing some pretty neat illustrations in his sketch books. I couldn’t resist posting several of them, but there are a few more to be found on his process blog.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Animation: Hezarfen


Magical Snap - 2011.08.14 12.08 - 002


Very funny slapstick. Ideal for Sunday mornings…

(Don’t worry if it’s not Sunday morning when you see this, it’ll probably still be funny…)


Hezarfen from Hezarfen on Vimeo.


Find some more info and lots of sketches and stuff on

(Found via R1cardo on StumbleUpon. Thx man!)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Björk: Biophilia


Magical Snap - 2011.08.10 12.14 - 005


There once was a time people just bought a 45rpm single if they wanted to buy some music. Well, that’s not going to fly anymore. Today, you need to maneuver crystals around the universe if you want to hear some music. At least for Björk’s…



(Found via SubmarineChannel)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Igniting Imagination


Magical Snap - 2011.08.09 15.13 - 002


“Igniting Imagination” is a four part series of short documentaries about individuals who are “counterclockwise to society”. A painter, a printmaker, a dancer and an industrial designer.

I wanted to show you the industrial designer. I liked him. He seemed to me at the same time very passionate about what he was doing, yet also very down to earth and matter-of-factly.

In the beginning of the video he says: “I feel I have a terrible imagination. Sometimes, when somebody asks me: ”When you close your eyes, what do you see?”, I just go…: ” Nothing…”

His work didn’t seem to come from “somewhere deep inside of him”, yet was a result from the process of creating something.

For some reason, I tend to like that. It’s an interesting point of view, another way to look at “being creative” which goes against what I (and perhaps most people) have been told creativity is all about. I’m not saying this is necessarily a better way. It’s just a different way. Worth exploring.



Find the other three short docu’s here if you’re interested or go here for more information on the maker of the films.

Another, longer documentary, which also touches on the importance of process in creativity, can be found here in an earlier post on Monsieur Bandit.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Terry Gilliam Animation


Magical Snap - 2011.08.06 13.21 - 005


Terry Gilliam is perhaps widely known as a film maker but shall also be remembered as the guy who did those strange and crude but devilishly funny cut-out animations for the Monty Python shows.

When I was a kid and I saw Monty Python on TV, I hated it! I thought it was ugly and the colors were off and I didn’t understand any of the jokes. Seeing the animations now, I’m amazed how well they actually work. As you will see in the video’s, they were done with the simplest of means and oh, yes, the jokes are crude and childish, but the timing is so spot on and the animation, however simple, really works wonderfully for this kind of humor.


Magical Snap - 2011.08.06 13.19 - 003

Magical Snap - 2011.08.06 13.20 - 004


Two videos: the first gives you a short introduction on Terry Gilliam and Monty Python. But the second is the real treat: young Gilliam actually shows us how he did the animations and gives countless little tips and tricks on how you could do it yourself. More importantly, he also talks about how the limitations of the technique actually defined the outcome and how all he was doing was try to find ways in which to make animation as fast and simple and with the least amount of work as possible.





(Found via Drawn!)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ashley Wood Special (3)


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One of the nice things about the work of Ashley Wood is the consistent graphic design it seems to surround itself with. What I didn’t know is that often, someone else happens to be responsible for the graphics, and that someone else happens to be a Belgian: a guy named Tom Muller. Take a look at the work here (probably not all of it is by Muller, I’m not always sure…) and if you want to see some more, check out Tom Muller at

And if you just came in, also check out part 1 and part 2, the previous installments of the Ashley Wood Special.


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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Paper View (6): John Perry


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It’s been a while since we’ve had another entry in the series “Paper View”, so I’m happy to have a real nice one today. John Perry is a New York City based artist who draws and paints. Check out his website to find more pictures and even some more videos of him working.

The video below shows Perry drawing on the subway and in the second one he talks about life drawing. Worth listening to…


John Perry: Series Subterrania from EverandThen on Vimeo.


John Perry from thisartist on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Secret Bookshop


Magical Snap - 2011.07.24 21.38 - 126


In New York City you can find the Secret Bookshop Brazenhead Books. That is, if you know where to find it. It is tucked away, somewhere, upstairs… They’ll let you in if you ring the doorbell. The owner is really friendly. But… you first have to find the doorbell…


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A film from the Etsy blog, made by Andrew David Watson.


Monday, August 1, 2011

The complete Setola “Jazzed”


Magical Snap - 2011.07.24 22.23 - 135


Because the film was still touring the festivals, Anton Setola didn’t want to put his animated short “Jazzed” online. Up till now, that is! Finally, we can all enjoy it from the comfort of our own workplace.

Setola is an animator, illustrator and comic artist from Ghent, Belgium. His film has been shown in over 60 festivals and won him several awards. It is now also available in a beautiful packaged DVD.

More info? Go to his blog or check the earlier post on Monsieur Bandit here, where you can even find a video interview with the man himself.


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Magical Snap - 2011.07.24 22.26 - 136

Magical Snap - 2011.07.24 22.28 - 138

Magical Snap - 2011.07.24 22.22 - 133


Enjoy the video.



(Found via The Curious Brain) – The blog, I mean. Not mine.

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